How to get your puppy to pee outside

To get your puppy to pee and poop outside, you should start off by kennel training your dog while they are a puppy. This means when you cant have your eyes on the dog 100% of the time, they go into the kennel because we are looking to set the dog up for success not failure. If the puppy is allowed to roam free in the home without being watched, he will pee.

Young puppy showing signs of needing to pee
When the dog is out and about in the house and being monitored, if you see them start to squat, use a quick startle like a clap of the hands to stop the behavior then quickly rush the dog outside. When they start to pee, praise them using a name for the behavior like "good potty" or "good pee". The behavior that immediately preceded the praise (in this instance, peeing outside) will repeat itself more often as the dog learns that it will be praised every time. Young puppies can not hold their bladder for long periods of time, and this is the reason for being kenneled when motioning is not possible. The kennel should be large enough for the dog to stand up turn around and lay back down again. This will stop urination and defecation in the kennel. If the kennel is too large, the dog may relieve itself in one corner. A puppy should be taken out every 2-4 hours depending on age. This will teach the puppy to learn to hold their bladder until brought outside.

Young puppy squatting before starting to pee

About the Author
Motivated K9 owner and head trainer, Joseph Castagno IV has been training with dogs for over 10 years. He graduated from National K9 School for Dog Trainers in 2010 and received certification in Basic and Advanced Obedience, Behavior Modification, Scent Detection, Personal Protection and Police K9 Function. He has a forever increasing group of other trainers specializing in a multitude of areas of expertise, including obedience, personal protection and bite and ring sports such as PSA, Schutzhund, French Ring and Mondio Ring. 

Motivated K9 website 



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