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What a bittersweet day today! It was the last day of my Pawsitive Puppies Program and it was so sad to see all of their wagging tails go off... [...]

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HISTORY: We have an 8 month old lab puppy/mix. The vet said she about 80% lab 20 percent sharpei. Weve had her just over 9 weeks. We got her... [...]

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I've done a courtesy search for the term {jud1} for you but I can't find the page you're looking for. If you follow the link fro... [...]

tatapa - - what

She was doing so well.  We had default sits going all the time.  She was checking in regularly and her recall was bang on.   What happened? ... [...]

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A German Shepherds powerful body, keen senses and strong devotion and loyalty make it the prime choice of canine to fill a number of roles, ... [...]

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KANSAS -- Law enforcement officials have discovered what has been described as a puppy mill in west Wichita and seized 20 pit bulls. The dog... [...]

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Housetraining a puppy often can be frustrating, but it is even more so when you cannot put your life on hold to stay home with your puppy wh... [...]

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Five days a week, I drive around La Jolla and Pacific Beach and pick up some happy, excited dogs for a morning adventure. Most days we go to... [...]

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Training a puppy requires hard work, dedication, plenty of time, patience and, sometimes, money. Though there are cases of easily trained ca... [...]

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When Hope and the four Indiana Plague Puppies first arrived, Cole did not know what to do with them. Well, Hope was no problem. They said h... [...]

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I've done a courtesy search for the term {jud1} for you but I can't find the page you're looking for. If you follow the link fro... [...]

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Someone in our regional club asked about handling classes, and I wrote this response.  I thought it might be good to share publicly as well.... [...]

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Stairs!  They can be the thorn in a dog or puppy owners side. Teaching a dog or puppy to use the stairs can be challenging as a human... but... [...]

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Is Your Shar Pei Potty Trained Enough? House Training a puppy or adult Shar Pei is such an essential issue for its owner that even a single ... [...]

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Are you looking for a safe way to socialize your puppy?  Do you need a little help with training here and there, but cant do a 5-week class?... [...]

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Many people wonder why dogs pee on everything, and if there is any way this can be avoided. Before going into detail on the best doggy top 5... [...]

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Raising a puppy demands quite an in depth knowledge and both artistic and scientific techniques. Raising a German Shepherd puppy may prove t... [...]

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By Anita L. Platt Potty training your puppy will be the most important thing that you teach him. Showing your puppy that his potty is outdoo... [...]

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While it may seem that winter is the worst possible time for house training a puppy, it can be one of the easiest times of year to accomplis... [...]

tatapa - - training

By Harold Peterson There is one thing that you will need to realize before we move onto the important parts of potty training puppies. This ... [...]

tatapa - - train

The Shiba Inu is a small dog breed native to Japan where it was used for hunting in dense mountain vegetation. The American Kennel Club acce... [...]