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I have two dogs staying with me for several weeks, including the Christmas period. Lewis is a Collie who displays a most unusual and initial... [...]

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Labrador retrievers were initially bred in Newfoundland to help fishermen. As a result, they are known for being eager to please, energetic ... [...]

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It was hot and humid today. When I left work the temp gauge on my truck read 91 degrees. Blah. But 91 degrees makes for a perfect excuse to ... [...]

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Having a puppy with separation anxiety is hard on the puppy and hard on you. Owners sometimes create separation anxiety by allowing their pu... [...]

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Toilet training a puppy may appear to be a challenging task, but, equipped with the right tools and some knowledge about potty habits, the m... [...]

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One thing that I absolutely do not tolerate is deceit, I loathe it. If it is brought to my attention that someone is committing an out right... [...]

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New puppies bring a lot of joy to a family, but they also can create messes. There are a few basic rules to potty training a puppy. Most imp... [...]

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I get asked frequently; how to select a pet puppy. I am going to avoid discussing breed, gender and working aptitude selection in this post ... [...]

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Dog training is a general skill that individuals who would like to bring up a dog or puppies, in the loved ones, must obtain. Some canines... [...]

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Whats it got to do with Puppy Probation? From structure comes respect.  With respect, Chuckie earns freedom. Even the freedom to shamelessly... [...]

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Warning: Cuteness Overload!!  SEASONS GREETINGS!!! My gift to you readers this festive season is oodles of cute GSP Puppy holiday inspired p... [...]