How to Raise a Dominant Pitbull Puppy

The American Staffordshire Terrier, commonly called the Pit Bull Terrier, is a family-loving dog that wants its owners affection above all else. (See References 1) Often recognized by its strong head and stocky, muscular body, the pit bull has a reputation as a dominant dog, a result of generations of breeding for fighting. However, by raising your pit bull puppy in a structured and responsible home where you are in charge, the docile and playful nature of your dog will be the standard.


Leadership Exercises


    Require your puppy to wait to eat its food until you give the okay. Food guarding is a common trait in dominant dogs. By controlling your dogs access to its food, it learns that you are in charge. Similarly, remove the food bowl if the dog has not eaten anything within 20 minutes. This also assists with housebreaking.


    Enter rooms before your pit bull puppy. This indicates your role as the boss in the relationship. Require the dog to sit and wait until you have entered the room before it follows.


    Practice obedience cues such as sit, down, stay and come. These make your puppy well-behaved and instil your authority over the dog. Always conduct the training with positive rewards and fun.


    Require your puppy to perform an obedience cue like sit or down before giving it the attention it seeks. For instance, when your pit bull comes to you for a scratch or a pet, ask it to sit. When -- and only when -- it complies, pet or scratch your dog as much as you like.

Corrections and Redirections


    Redirect your pit bull puppys biting and chewing. These are normal puppy behaviors but, if left uncorrected, can progress to expressions of dominance.


    Give your dog a toy to chew when it goes after an inappropriate item. For instance, if your dog begins chewing on a shoe, tell it "no," offer a toy and remove the shoe.


    Pet your dog only when it is calm. If your puppy bites your hands or clothing, tell it "no" and reward it with a quick pet when it stops.

Confinement and Control


    Keep your pit bull puppy in a crate or a wire kennel at night or when you are gone. A dog is less likely to relieve itself in its sleeping area. Take your dog outside on a leash when it needs to go to the bathroom. Do not let the dog take more than five minutes to begin relieving itself.


    Attach your dog to a 20- or 30-foot leash when in the house with you. This allows you to correct and control the dog while giving it enough freedom to explore.


    Supervise your pit bull puppy. A verbal reprimand at the instant of a bad behavior creates a well-mannered dog and establishes your rank over it.



    Say "heel" and reward your puppy when it when walks nicely by your side to practice walking on leash properly.


    Ask for sits at random times throughout the walk. This will show your pit bull that it must pay attention to you at all times. It will also give you more control over the dogs behavior when distractions arise.


    Use a head collar during walks. These devices give you better command of your dog without subjecting it to painful corrections.


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