One of the reasons why you need to start Labrador puppy training as early as possible is because it may be harder to train a grown dog not to do something that he has done on the daily basis over the years. I dont even know why some people think that its better to train a grown dog rather than a puppy. When your puppy is born he is brand new in this world and doesnt know the difference between right and wrong yet. While a grown dog has picked a few bad habits over the years and you will probably have a really hard time trying to convince him that what he is doing is wrong. With that being said, training your Labrador while he is still a puppy simply makes sense.

Keep in mind that your puppy is still a baby so dont put too much pressure on him. Basics such as knowing his name, when to sit, and come to you when called upon are best to start with. Also, tasty treats work a lot better than fear. Dogs do not speak English, so they learn by our hand movements, the tone of our voice, and even the expression on our faces..Try to reward him whenever he has done something right, and that behaviour is guaranteed to happen over and over again. So always have a treat handy, and start your Labrador puppy training right now.

More advice and tips on Labrador puppy training.

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