Crate training can take days or weeks, depending on your dog's age, temperament and past experiences. it's important to keep two things in mind while crate training: the crate should always be associated with something pleasant and training should take place in a series of small steps. don't go too fast.. Crate training is an excellent way to establish a hierarchy in your home while your pup is still learning what he can and cannot do. by placing your pup in a crate while you’re away, or when you’re at home and can’t be as attentive as you might need to be, you limit their access to your home and circumvent opportunities for your dog to chew your furniture or have an accident on your living room rug..

O upgrade do Kit Holywestie

O upgrade do kit holywestie

Thank you to our friends at pet health network from the ...

Thank you to our friends at pet health network from the

Dog House | Portable dog kennels, Pet cage, Kennel ...

Dog house | portable dog kennels, pet cage, kennel



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