Easiest Ways to House Train a Lab Puppy

No single right way to house train a Labrador puppy exists, though some techniques are more successful than others. Labradors establish their eliminating habits during puppyhood, and so this is the ideal time to house train. Patience and understanding are vital in house training energetic Labrador puppies.

Feeding Routine

    Establish a strict feeding routine from the day you bring home your Lab puppy. Feed your lab puppy at the same time every morning and evening. When the puppy becomes accustomed to the feeding schedule, its elimination schedule will regulate based on this same routine. Wait 30 to 60 minutes after feeding the puppy, then take it outside to eliminate. The puppy will learn to eliminate on this schedule and will wait patiently to be taken outside to eliminate after morning and evening feedings.

Crate Training

    Crate training centers on the principle that a puppy will not eliminate where it sleeps. Buy a crate large enough to be comfortable, but not large enough that there are empty spaces where the puppy may eliminate. Slowly allow the puppy to become accustomed to the crate so it regards the space as a safe place. Place the puppy in the crate when you are not there to let it out for elimination; it will learn to wait until you release it from the crate. Crate training is especially advantageous when you are not home during the day to let the puppy out to eliminate because, when properly trained, it will not eliminate in its crate.

Positive Praise

    Take the puppy outside every couple of hours during the house training process. When the dog eliminates in the proper area outside, offer it positive praise and a treat. This will condition the puppy to know that eliminating outside will earn it a treat. If the puppy eliminates in the house by mistake, simply tell it "No" firmly and take it outside immediately. This will help to condition the puppy that elimination occurs outside and not inside. Patience is vital when conditioning a puppy to eliminate outside, but the patience will pay off when the puppy masters these principles.


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